HPV Researchers@(headingLevel)>

Researchers involved in understanding HPV-vaccination and Human Papillomavirus work every day to better understand how to protect the population from HPV-related cancers and diseases. Research ranges from understanding the safety and effectiveness of the HPV vaccination, to developing knowledge around the acceptability of the vaccination throughout the state of Georgia, or to understanding the cost effectiveness of the vaccination series.
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Human papillomavirus vaccination among diverse college students in the state of Georgia: who receives recommendation, who initiates and what are the reasons?
Various barriers exist among college students for initiation of HPV vaccination uptake. These barriers include lack of medical provider recommendation, birth outside of the united states, younger age among females, and multi-racial identity among men among others. Many barriers to uptake are only generally known and require further investigation to fully understand their impact on uptake of the vaccination and further health-related decision making.
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Increasing HPV Vaccination Rates Through National Provider Partnerships
Partnerships between national organizations like the Academic Pediatric Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Cancer Society, National Area Health Education Centers Organization, and the National Association of County and City Health Officials provided focus on improving education on effective HPV vaccination recommendations, prioritizing HPV vaccination, forming strong partnerships, developing and disseminating HPV vaccination resources for members and the public, and quality improvement. Through the efforts of partnering organizations, HPV vaccination rates have increased since 2013 as a result of increased effective HPV vaccine recommendations and the developed and disseminated HPV vaccination resources for members and the public. In 2017, 66% of teens aged 13-17 years old had received on or more doses of the HPV vaccine with 49% up-to-date on all recommended doses of HPV vaccine.
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Vaccination differences among U.S. adults by their self-identified sexual orientation, National Health Interview Survey, 2013-2015
In this study, researchers analyzed combined data from 2013-2015 NHIS survey data and conducted multivariable logistic regression to calculated adjusted prevalence differences for each vaccination overall and stratified by sexual orientation. Differences were observed by sexual orientation for self-reported receipt of HPV, HEP-A, HEP-B, and influenza vaccination. While differences were exhibited within the data, self-identified sexual orientation was not associated with higher or lower likelihood of vaccination, though different groups did present varying uptake of vaccinations. The findings of this study can serve as baseline information to base continued monitoring of changes over time.
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Long intervals between two doses of HPV vaccines and magnitude of the immune response: a post hoc analysis of two clinical trials
A comparative analysis of two different clinical trials reviewing the time-sensitive effects of HPV vaccination at two different time intervals, either 6 months from initial vaccination or 3-8 years after initial vaccination. Results of the study indicate that 2-dose vaccine schedules with an interval of several years could be used for pre-adolescents. Intervals longer than 6 months may facilitate logistics for immunization programs and could be useful during periods of vaccine shortage or as a transition while the effectiveness of a one-dose schedule is being evaluated. Regardless, two-dose vaccination is shown to be an effective method of protecting against common strains of HPV virus.
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African-American parents’ and daughters’ beliefs about HPV infection and the HPV vaccine.
A study of 64 African American parents and their daughters found that overall a low perceived susceptibility to HPV infection was prevalent among African American mothers and their daughters. The study also found that it was more common for parents to associate the benefit of the HPV vaccine with the prevention of genital warts, as compared to the daughters’ understanding that the vaccine also prevented cervical cancer. A common barrier among African American parents and their daughters was the increased politicization of the vaccination by government figures alongside the potential unknown side effects of the vaccination and perceived safety and effectiveness of the HPV vaccination. A greater understanding of the health beliefs that promote HPV vaccine acceptance among this population will assist in the development of appropriate HPV vaccine promotion initiatives for African-American parents and daughters.
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Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Before 13 and 15 Years of Age: Analysis of National Immunization Survey Teen Data
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends initiation of the HPV vaccination before an adolescent turns 13 years old with completion of the series by 15 years of age (requiring only 2 doses). After 15 years of age, 3 doses of HPV vaccination are required. Based on estimates 15.8% of 13 years old’s were up-to-date for HPV vaccination and 34.8% of 15 year old’s, which is concerning. HPV vaccination is most efficacious when given at a young age and before the onset of sexual activity. With 11% of females and 16% of males reporting sexual intercourse by age of 15, a significant portion of adolescents are being missed with potentially life saving protection against various strains of the HPV virus. Additional findings of this study highlight the gaps in HPV vaccine recommendations for young adolescents through documented low vaccine coverage by the time they reach 13 or 15 years of age.
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Use of community forums to increase knowledge of HPV and cervical cancer in African American communities.
Disparities in cervical cancer incidence among African American communities persist throughout much of the United States, especially the southeast. Communities have used community forums to increase HPV vaccine and cervical cancer knowledge in African American communities. A research team conducted post-test analysis of post tests revealed that perceived knowledge increased significantly after the forums for African American participants. This study found community forums that address the cultural and historical context of research mistreatment related to HPV vaccine development and include diverse racial/ethnic representation of stakeholders may be a useful strategy to increase HPV vaccination and cervical cancer knowledge in African American communities.
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Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Georgia: Evaluating the Georgia HPV Work Group
A research group conducted two focus group discussions with members of the Georgia Cancer Control Consortium’s (GC3) HPV Working Group via online platform. Members were asked questions related to the current status of the HPV working group, potential methods for progressing forward, and increasing communication between members and other HPV-related researchers. An online web-portal specifically designed for the Working Group was identified as a tool for improving Working Group communication, sharing best practices and resources, and to collectively develop activities, research projects, and HPV vaccine promotion events in a culturally competent and age appropriate manner. The goal for improved coordination of the HPV working group is to improve HPV vaccine uptake and completion throughout the state of Georgia.
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HPV Vaccine-Related Research, Promotion and Coordination in the State of Georgia: A Systematic Review
Human Papillomavirus Vaccination was first recommended for use among female adolescents in 2006 with the recommendation expanding to include male adolescents in 2011. In 2016, HPV vaccination coverage in Georgia was 45.6% among adolescents (13-17 years old). The research team reviewed published and grey literature for different development, implementation and best practices related to vaccine uptake in adolescents. The most often mentioned barriers to HPV vaccine uptake in Georgia included cultural norms, vaccination education and a misalignment of vaccine uptake goals between the state and regional hospital community needs assessments. Georgia-specific efforts have been limited, however ongoing collaborations spearheaded by the Georgia Cancer Control Coalition provide opportunities for state-level support of research to address these barriers. Increasing knowledge and uptake of HPV vaccine in Georgia requires significant research and to understand the vast socioeconomic, cultural and geographic barriers preventing uptake among adolescents.
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